Sunday, February 6, 2011

don't know how to make my the web link for my verbal transcript have spent a solid hour trying but will in the future. ^_^ posting this for now

To the class today we will be learning some tips on managing stress and throwing a football.
ask students – what are some ways you manage stress?
To Class “ sports and physical activity can help people manages stress. Simply being active can help you lessen stress but everyone has a favorite hobby or activity that helps them release the most stress.”
To students “ what are some of your favorite ways to relieve stress?”
TO class – “ everyone throw the ball as far as you can,( after they retrieve it they can kick it as far as they can to learn fun ways of relieving stress”
To students “ remember how to hold the football and throw it properly?, ok then find a partner and throw the ball to them under control and move back as you both feel comfortable”, then throw the ball at a spot on the wall to see where they stand on accuracy, not a contest”
Check for understanding, ask for questions

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